Moving Protection
Protecting your belongings is a priority for our entire team at Conlon Moving & Storage. All of the services that we provide through our Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut residential movers are designed to help protect your belongings from damage. We understand that you have worked hard to buy everything that you own and that when it comes time to move your most valuable possessions, you want to work with a professional moving company to reduce the risk for damage.
One way to help protect your belongings beyond the services that we provide to you directly is to choose moving protection coverage for your valuables. You will be offered two options for placing a value on your shipment. The value that you select will set the limit of your residential movers’ maximum liability for any losses or damage to your goods. Below you will see an outline of the coverage available with both options.

Option One – Full Value Coverage
This option is designed to provide protection for your belongings up to the amount of coverage that you declare.
The final charge for moving protection coverage is based upon the value that you declare and the deductible amount that you select through your Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut residential movers.
Option Two – Released Rate Liability
This particular option is a valuation that sets Conlon Moving & Storage’s maximum liability for loss and damage to each item in the shipment, limited to 60-cents per pound per item. This is the basic liability level and it is provided to all clients at no charge.
For more details about moving protection coverage to protect your belongings on your next move, speak with a customer service agent at Conlon Moving & Storage. Additional information regarding coverage with this professional moving company is also available in your copy of “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move”, appendix A6. For questions, give us a call at 508-336-7766.